Qatil and Qetil Nouns in Biblical Hebrew

in following analysis of the semantics oi qatil and ^ 9 » 7 nouns Biblical is offered in respect and friendship to a scholar who has done further our understanding of all aspects of Hebrew morphology , the morphology of the noun ( e . g ., recently , Bar-Asher 1998 , 1 2004 b , forthc . ) . Barth ( e . g ., 1894 : 43 , 136-137 ) and earlier , it has been customary of Hebrew reflexes of * qatil as either passive or active in 2 . A review of such forms , however , suggests that there is very any , evidence for forms that may be said to have an active 3 . with many nominal patterns in Hebrew and elsewhere in Semitic , forms may be subdivided into those that are associated with a root and those that are not . The latter are here termed "isolated , following Fox 1998 , 2003 ; 61 . Nominal forms that are associated verbal roots may conveniently be termed " ( deverbal ) derived nouns ";  אל הספר
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